Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Day 2: Staggered Entry

 Hi Everyone! 

We had a great first day back with the other half the class. It was so great to meet everyone and begin getting to know each student! :)

Highlights from Today:

  • Our eye opener today was scrabble. We were given letters all mixed up and had to find as many words as we could using the letters. We also tried to find the mystery word, which used all the letters. The mystery word was September 
  • Each student wrote a letter to tell me more about themselves. I am looking forward to reading them. 
  • We went through the class and school expectations. There was a lot of new information but the students did great!
  • We created name tags for our bins using an optical illusion 
  • We also started our read aloud of "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" by Judy Blume
  • In PE we were in the gym today because of the weather. We worked on different movements and controlling our bodies. 

  • Our meeting spot each morning is on the soccer field, I will be out each morning for now to meet the students 
  • Please send a water bottle, the water fountains are unavailable at this time
  • Masks-Each student is required to wear a clean mask each day. I sent home two reusable masks with each student today. Please label your child's mask with their name or initials. (They are all very similar)