Hi Everyone,
I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend! We had a great start to our second week back at school!
Highlights of Our Day:
- For our eye opener today we were given some place value questions to answer
- We brainstormed how we can care for others and our environment as we discuss our class expectations and what we want our classroom community to look like
- In writing today we did a rough draft for our "All About Me" poem
- In math today we did a short math test to help us see which math concepts we understand and which concepts we need to work on
- We continued our read aloud of "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" by Judy Blume. Today we ready chapter 3
- We had our first virtual assembly of the year.
- In social studies we began to talk about Canada's ten provinces and three territories. We began to label a map of Canada but did not have time to fully finish and will continue to work on this later this week. We watched the video below to introduce the provinces. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBQ5ZhHlkkY
- We finished our day today with continuing to work on our masked self portraits from last week
- If you are picking up your child after school, please make sure they know where their meeting spot is. Also, please. review with them that if they wait for a while and you are not there that they should walk to the front of the school
- Our meeting spot each morning is on the soccer field
- Please send a water bottle, the water fountains are unavailable at this time
- Please make sure your child has a pair of indoor shoes, to be left at school, and outdoor shoes.
- Please label your child's masks and personal items, such as water bottles and lunch kits