Monday, September 14, 2020

Day 9: Compass Rose

 Hi Everyone,

It was our first Monday of this year! It was a great day! Check out the highlights below!

Highlights of our Day: 

  • For our eye opener today we practiced place value. First we were given a variety of numbers with digits underlined and we had to identify the place value of the underlined digit. For example 2343, the 4 is in the tens place 
  • In literacy today we did word work. We reviewed the long and short "a" sound and did a worksheet where we were given a list of words with the long and short "a" sound. We did a variety of activities with these words, such as sorting, find the misspelled word, and a cross word. This is meant to help us with both our reading skills and spelling 
  • In music today we played a game called "Pass the Beat Around the Room". We also did a music listening sheet 
  • In PE today we did a 5 minute run and then we learned different ways to run.
  • We continued our read aloud. Today we read chapter 7 of "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing".
  • We had our first fire drill today, it may have been unexpected but everyone did well. 
  • In social studies we continued our work with mapping. Today we learned about the compass rose, which helps to tell us the direction on a map. We then created our own compass rose in our visual journal

  • Last week a package was sent home with students with demographic forms, health forms and consent forms. Please fill in, sign and return to school as soon as possible. Please make sure to look closely at all the forms to make sure you have signed all pages needed. Please sign and return forms no later than Friday September 18th.
  • If you are picking up your child after school, please make sure they know where their meeting spot is. Also, please. review with them that if they wait for a while and you are not there that they should walk to the front of the school
  • Our meeting spot each morning is on the soccer field
  • Please send a water bottle, the water fountains are unavailable at this time
  • Please make sure your child has a pair of indoor shoes, to be left at school, and outdoor shoes. 
  • Please label your child's masks and personal items, such as water bottles and lunch kits